Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Canadian Thanksgiving!

Hello...only me! Once again, the time of year for stuffing your tummys full of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and pumpkin pie was here. Ireland doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving...but that wasn't about to stop me from celebrating one of the greatest holidays! I am proud to say I hosted my very first Thanksgiving dinner, and it went off with a bang! I invited 3 girls from County Tipperary. Caitlin is from Ontario, Katie from B.C, and Nancy is from Flordia so of course we 4 HAD to have our turkey fix!!
Here was my menu: Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes with marshmellows, green beans, carrots with breadcrumbs, cornmeal casserole, beets, red jell-o and of course...REAL pumpkin pie!! mmmm everything was so tasty and we were stuffed to the brim! At least now I know I am capable of hosting a giant meal and I wasn't even stressed -whoop!!!!!

Next up, Halloween!!!! Myself, Elena, Carmen, Sally and Ishai all went to see the movie Saw 7 3D at Midleton Cinema. It wasn't scary..but really gory. I couldn't watch some Guh...I don't really like seeing people sawed in half or having their eyes scoped out! No thanks! Anyways we then headed over to Lukes house where we all had some drinks where we all then went to the nearby abandoned cemetary! It was super dark and all we had was a single torch and my cellphone light..which ended up being brighter than the torch! haha! I was really spooked at first..walking thru the fields in pitch darkness and climbing over gates...the tombstones had all shifted in the ground (from trying to get out obviously) and concrete was crumbling was the stones. Honestly, you get used to it! Still spooky, especially on Halloween but not as scary as one might think!

Thats all for now, next up- LONDON!!!
check back soon

Missing you all in Ireland...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Were in catch up mode!

Looks like I fell off the wagon again (no surprise there) so I am in major catch up mode here! I have sooo much to get ya'll up on that I will need to be very disciplined in order to get caught up! Some big news is that I've also created my own website!! This blog will still be updated regularly...err I'll try to anyways but with this website I can add in a photo gallery, video archive, info, etc so that I can share more photos with everyone! Trust me...I have ALOT of photos!! Im really glad I bought myself two new cameras this past year..first the SLR and then a smaller compact for my purse. At one point I owned 4 its down to 3 which may seem ridiculous but I think I have gotten good use out of them so far! ;)

Looking looks like I forgot to tell you that I went to Blarney Castle with my friend Andy and kissed the Blarney Stone! How this slipped my mind I don't know..tho my memory has been slipping since my trek over here...must be the Irish weather..or beer! The castle is actually just a 20min drive from Midleton so its nice and close. The surrounding gardens of the castle are lush and green...beautiful!

Andy and I explored the entire castle trying to imagine the life that the family would have lived back in the 1400's. The girls bedroom was above the priests room so that they couldn't get up to mischief, and the kitchen was massive with a big fireplace which is where they would do all of the cooking. If you climb all the narrow steps to the top, you can kiss the famous Blarney Stone! Here you lay on your back, dip down about 3ft and hang your head out in order to kiss the stone. Don't worry..there are metal bars to prevent you from falling...thank goodness!!!
After exploring the castle, we then went for a walk thru the gardens. Here we found a large waterfall, and the famous wishing steps. Here you are to walk up the steps, and then walk back down, backwards, and with your eyes closed while making a wish. Cool! There was also this giant boulder that fell hundreds of years ago, and to this day it still rocks slightly all on its own.., creepy!
We also found a certain cave..occupied by a witch! Seriously. The tale goes, that a witch used to occupy this cave back when the family was living in the castle, but to this day if you get there early enough at the break of can still see the embers of her fire....sweet!!  

Now I also went back to Ballybranigan Beach lately and I got some shots that I liked. On this particular day, we took the kids and the dogs with us so everyone had a great time! The photo below is of 'lug worms' they appear every fall and they are little worms who burry there way into the sand..sorta gross but sorta neat!!
I ventured up to Mahon Falls that week as well. It is a giant waterfall between two rocks that leads out to the sea. It was nice..but I've seen more impressive ones! :P Anyway, the most exciting part of that adventure was the drive up. To reach waterfall, you need to drive up the side of the mountain -literally. Let me paint you a little picture...imagine a small narrow imagine a sharp drop to the one side, and the edge of the mountain on the other. Now add in that its a two way road...fucccck! Interesting...but I made it up! You then walk about 2miles in order to reach the waterfall itself. On this particular day, there were also a bunch of people on horseback! That would've been wise...a horse is a lot narrower than a car!
Thats about all for now, check back soon for updates on Thanksgiving, Halloween and London! Sounds like I'll be busy! Missing you all in Ireland.... XOXO Kayla

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Observations of an Au Pair

    Its been over 4 months since I left Canada, and time has just flown by! Before leaving, so many ppl told me that it would take a good 6 months to really settle in, yet I was pretty much settled after only 2 or 3 weeks. I keep getting told that I've settled in so nicely, and I can't wrap my head around why it would take someone 6 months to settle in? What are you spose to do with all that time? You can't sit on your ass and let time fly by without you -you need to get out and explore this beautiful country!! Since arriving, I have learned how to drive on Irish roads and now it's like 2nd nature...believe me, I was scared shitless of driving on the left, on the opposite side of the car AND having to deal with multi-lane round-a-bouts! Pretty sure when I get home I will have to remind myself..stay on the right Kayla, stay on the right!! I've also met a whole bunch of awesome new people, I now have friends from ALL over the world -Spain, Austria, France, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary to name a few. It's pretty neat that when we go out we are like the United Nations all at one table! I've also travelled around alot of Southern Ireland. I've pretty much covered all the nearby towns & attractions...I guess that means I'm off to a good start!! Heres a map of Southern Ireland to give you an idea of where I've all been so far!
    There are definitely some observations that I've made during my time here. For one, the 1st time I was in the supermarket, I realized all the eggs were on the shelf next to all the other baking ingredients, not in the fridge like back home. At first I thought my god..someone has put all the eggs in the wrong isle! After asking my hostmom I realized that here in Ireland, eggs are never refridgerated. I wonder why back in Canada we refridgerate them? Does it make them last longer? Does it make them taste different? ...I mean, if you think about it, a chickens ass isn't refridgerated, so why then, do we refridgerate them in stores and in our homes?? ...Just a thought!

 Another thing -both countries speak English yes..but they may as well be different languages! I remember when I first arrived, having to concentrate on what others were saying so that I could understand them. And now, I rarely notice an accent! I myself have not developed an Irish accent, I doubt I will to be honest! I have however picked up a few Irish words -mostly for ease of conversation! To give you an idea, heres a list of some of the different words off the top of my head:
Trunk of the car = the boot
Zebra crossing = pedestrian crosswalk
Jumper = sweater
Grande = good/great
Petrol= gasoline
Lashing = pouring (lots of rain)
Garda = police
Fire Brigade = Fire station/truck
Poof = ottoman
Post = mail
Eiran = linen closet
Bobble = hair elastic
Trousers= pants
Fringe = bangs
Tellie = T.V.
That gas! = Thats hilarious
I could go on and on...but you get the idea! Basically before I caught on to what people were trying to ask me, we would have to repeat what they said and then translate. I've caught on for the most part but every now and then your like "K...what?!" hahaha

    Anyways...enough rambling! Last wknd, I finally made it to the Cork Gaol. The first time I went, I drove in circles trying to find the entrance. I could find the exit alright, but the entrance...not a chance! It would probably help if there were actual streets signs...just puttin' that out there! :P
   The gaol (prison) was pretty neat. I got an audio headset so that during my tour I could hear sound effects and feel like I was actually in the prison during that time period. The gaol opened in 1824 and closed in 1923. It was then used as a broadcast studio for radio until the 1950's when it was abandoned. It reopened in 1993 as a tourist attraction and has been open ever since. There are wax figurines in different cells, and it tells the story of what prison life was like back then. Children as young as 7yrs old were imprisoned all for stealing a loaf of bread, or some warm clothing. They were then whipped and held in cells. Hard to imagine right?

I also ran my 1st mini-marathon this month in the small town of Cloyne! It was lashing down rain so we all looked like we'd just stepped out of the shower before we had even begun, but it was fun! There were close to 1000 participants, so a small crowd but good overall! I ran it in 32mins but have no idea what place I came in!

I am now a legal resident of Ireland! Not citizen of course, but resident! My Immigration card finally arrived meaning I won't be kicked out of the country anymore! Horray! I think it'll be a good souvinour in the future when I look back on my time here!

I ran my 2nd mini-marathon this past wknd as well. 2 within 3 weeks of eachother! This one was up in Cork City and we had over 12,000 runners! Amazing atmosphere! I ran for the Marie Keating foundation which is for breast cancer awareness. I'm really enjoying doing these mini-marathons, they can be so much fun and great exercise!

Speaking of exercise, I have registered for 2 fitness classes here at the local college in Midleton. I began circuit training on Monday nights as well as Pilates on thursday nights. Both classes are loads of fun, hardwork but definitely worth it!

Thats all for now folks, check back soon for more updates!

I love you all. Missing you in Ireland...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dingle, Dingle, Dingle!!

    Hello all! Hope life in the 306 is treatin' you well! I've been gettin' in trouble with my followers back home that this wasn't posted sooner! My apologies!!! After a few issues with Internet problems, everything is back to normal!! So...3 wknds ago, myself, Andy (from Slovakia) and Marine (from France) loaded up the car and headed off to the Dingle Peninsula, which is a fav spot amongst all the Irish! Now, Dingle is wayyy on the other side of the country from where I'm living in Midleton, it's the most western point of Ireland. If you were to drive across country back in Canada it would take you at least 4 days of solid 2-4hrs tops! Ireland is about the size of Newfoundland..feking small!! So Dingle is about 2ish hrs away, you could get there faster if it weren't for winding roads! The drive is literally all bends...not joking. There was a point where I realized that straight roads don't exactly exist in Ireland. Anyways..we arrived in Kilarney for a pit stop. We went shopping in the outlet mall..obviously! We then walked the main streets of Kilarney for a bit. I just love all the main streets in these towns! All the stores are older, colorful and many have potted flowers hanging above the stores. Very cute!
  We hopped back into the car and a short drive later, arrived at Inch Beach! Inch is a popular vacation spot for many tourists. It was extremely windy and cold...even to a Canadian! Yet, there were still lots of ppl surfing the waves...their nuts! We climbed up some rocks and found a grassy area on the cliff and had a picnic lunch, looking over the beach! It was cold..but gorgeous!!

 I will definitely be going back...preferably when its warmer!!! Instead, after we'd gobbled up our lunch, and picked the sand from our sandwiches, we went for a short walk along the shore before hittin' the road.
We arrived in the town of Dingle, one of the most famous destinations in West Cork. The main language is Irish, and it was like being on a postcard! There's just something about the Irish charm...maybe its how everyone waves to you as if your neighbors. Maybe it's all the colorful buildings and old world charm. Or maybe its the beer...whatever it is, Dingle is amazing! 1st stop -Dick Mac's famous pub! Celebrities from all over the world have stopped in here for a pint or two, and are known to do a performance or two when in town! Out in front of the pub, is a "star walk of fame" of all the stars who have visited. On the      A-list...Julia Roberts, Dolly Parton, and more!
Just as I was snapping pictures of the quaint streets of Dingle, I was approached by an elderly woman. She started mumbling in what sounded like Irish and then said "'s quite nice there!" "Excuse me?!" "Your from Canada, I've been there once." The strange part about this convo is...I was not wearing anything Canadian, nor had I been speaking when she approached me so she couldn't have heard my did she know I was Canadian?!?? Some say she may have been a fortune teller. I'll never know, all I know is that after she left I was speechless! Crazy!  
 We then spent some time, browsing thru the town and visiting some of the shops. The weather was typical Irish. It could be dark stormy clouds and lashing down rain, and 5mins later it would be bright and sunny. Basically anytime it would start to rain, we would sneak into a shop, browse a bit and by the time we were done it would be sunny again! Who says shopping doesn't pay off?! I also found a pair of boots for €20 on sale! God how I love sales.... :P
We walked down to Dingle Bay in hopes of spotting Fungi the dolphin. He is a wild dolphin who has been visiting the area since 1983. He's never been fed, he just keeps coming and flirting with the tourists. sign of him that day. Will have to venture off to Dingle to see him again! There are also boat tours where you can also swim with him!!
We then took the trek up to Connor's Pass. You drive up the very edge of the mountain to get here, with roads that are very narrow and winding every 5 such thing as a straight road! Even tho the roads are narrow, you also need to make sure you don't hug too close to the side of the road, or you might end up sliding down. Yikes! It's 2 lane the entire way up btw! Below is the look-out of Connor's Pass. It was absolutely stunning. Words can't describe the feeling you get when your in a place such as this. Its unreal. Sometimes you feel like your looking at a photograph because it's just that beautiful, when in reality your actually in it!
After scaling our car back down the mountain, we made our way towards Slea Head! Slea Head is the very western tip of stop, Canada!! You can drive all along the peninsula and stop along the way to take photos! Here are just a few shots of Slea Head and its beauty!!
We eventually made our way back to Kilarney for a quick bite to eat, and made it home in one piece! I think Dingle has been on of my favorite spots to visit thus far...who knows what I'll discover next....
Love you all. Missing you in Ireland!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The hunt for johnny Depp...

As promised, another update is underway! So here we go! Last week I attempted to find a town called Lismore...of course, as per usual I missed the turn off at a round-a-bout and ended up in Whiting Bay instead! Turns out, Whiting Bay is gorgeous! It's a long stretch of sandy beach so I really just spent the afternoon relaxing, felt the sand between my toes and took in the smell of the sea.  The          following day, I drove out to Ardmore which is about 30mins from Midleton. Ardmore is a small little coastal town, home of the famous Cliff House Hotel. This hotel is set on a cliff, and the entire side of the hotel is glass. In the rooms, there are skylights everywhere, including in the bathrooms. So, if your showering, you can look out onto the sea!! Fancy! This got me thinking...wouldn't it be great to have a skylight above your bed, so at night you could look out onto the stars?!! And then you could have it timed, so that @ 4am, the blackout shade covers it so that the sun doesn't wake you up! I think it's genius..I definitely want one some day!! Anyways, back to Ardmore. I explored the town a bit and then went on the cliff walk. This walk takes about 40mins, and the narrow path takes you on the very edge of the cliff and all around the little island.
Below to the left is the famous Fr. O'Donnell's Well. Just a few yards to sea is where the wreck of the crane ship 'The Samson' washed to shore in 1987. Below to the right is the watch tower that was associated with Napoleonic defences.

  On Tuesday, I went with my host family to Lismore, which was where I was trying to get that wknd! We had a picnic lunch in this really nice park, chased away wasps and took the kids to the playground.
I like the sign to the above right...aka no fun!! We then walked thru the old town a bit, and found an old church with a creepy looking graveyard. The headstones were so old that the concrete was crumbling away, so I walked thru it and took a few photos. I got spooked when out of nowhere a man appeared who had been visiting the site as well...creepy!!!

On Friday I took the kids to the Fota Gardens. Its this giant park full of ferns, trees, flowers, ponds etc. My favorite part was this narrow, rocky pathway with giant ferns on either side. It felt like you were walking thru a rain forest!
Ireland has been having some fabulous weather rain for the past few weeks! :O It gets up to around 24° C, with a slight breeze. I'm praying for snow this winter. I'm told it has only snowed twice in the past decade but...there's always hope! I want a white Christmas!!!! It'll snow....

I've also started training for a mini-marathon in Cork...omg! The marathon is the end of September so we'll see how things go. If I'm not dead before I hit the finish line, there may be photos taken of the event...maybe. Let's just hope I don't trip and fall flat on my face and take everyone down with me!!!  I saw this sign the other day and HAD to take a picture. Only in Ireland would you see a pig as a
  Yesterday, Marine (another Au pair from France) and I drove out to Ballycotton in search for Mr. Johnny Depp himself. He was in the small town visiting, which is only 20mins away from me!! Back in 1995, Johnny and the rest of the crew rolled into the small town to make a film called "Divine Rapture". The money fell through, but the crew loved the area & the locals so much that they stayed an extra month vacationing. Johnny still visits and usually stays in the Bayview hotel...thus my reason for stalking the town dry that day. Word on the street is that Mr. Depp was here meeting Sean Penne. My plan...was to "accidentally" take a video of the two, and then take a real photo, with me sandwiched in between. I searched everywhere...the famous Blackbird pub where famous celebrities are known to drop in and play some tunes, the hotel, the harbour, the mainsteets, even the Ballymaloe House! Still no sign of him. So whatever...I tried me best, but I guess I need to improve my stalking skills! hehe

To finish the week off, last night I went for a run in the country side, and then drove out to Easy Ferry to capture some sunset shots. It was the first 'real' sunset I've seen here in Ireland since I arrived 6 weeks ago, so I was pretty excited! Gotta run, I'm off to the Jamesons Irish Whiskey Distillery. Check back next wknd for updates on that, and my day in Dingle!!
I love you all. Missing you in Ireland...