Hello...only me! Once again, the time of year for stuffing your tummys full of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and pumpkin pie was here. Ireland doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving...but that wasn't about to stop me from celebrating one of the greatest holidays! I am proud to say I hosted my very first Thanksgiving dinner, and it went off with a bang! I invited 3 girls from County Tipperary. Caitlin is from Ontario, Katie from B.C, and Nancy is from Flordia so of course we 4 HAD to have our turkey fix!!

Here was my menu: Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes with marshmellows, green beans, carrots with breadcrumbs, cornmeal casserole, beets, red jell-o and of course...REAL pumpkin pie!! mmmm everything was so tasty and we were stuffed to the brim! At least now I know I am capable of hosting a giant meal and I wasn't even stressed -whoop!!!!!

Next up, Halloween!!!! Myself, Elena, Carmen, Sally and Ishai all went to see the movie Saw 7 3D at Midleton Cinema. It wasn't scary..but really gory. I couldn't watch some scenes..so.much.blood. Guh...I don't really like seeing people sawed in half or having their eyes scoped out! No thanks! Anyways we then headed over to Lukes house where we all had some drinks where we all then went to the nearby abandoned cemetary! It was super dark and all we had was a single torch and my cellphone light..which ended up being brighter than the torch! haha! I was really spooked at first..walking thru the fields in pitch darkness and climbing over gates...the tombstones had all shifted in the ground (from trying to get out obviously) and concrete was crumbling was the stones. Honestly, you get used to it! Still spooky, especially on Halloween but not as scary as one might think!
Thats all for now, next up- LONDON!!!
check back soon
Missing you all in Ireland...
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