Hello all! Hope life in the 306 is treatin' you well! I've been gettin' in trouble with my followers back home that this wasn't posted sooner! My apologies!!! After a few issues with Internet problems, everything is back to normal!! So...3 wknds ago, myself, Andy (from Slovakia) and Marine (from France) loaded up the car and headed off to the Dingle Peninsula, which is a fav spot amongst all the Irish! Now, Dingle is wayyy on the other side of the country from where I'm living in Midleton, it's the most western point of Ireland. If you were to drive across country back in Canada it would take you at least 4 days of solid driving...here...about 2-4hrs tops! Ireland is about the size of Newfoundland..feking small!! So Dingle is about 2ish hrs away, you could get there faster if it weren't for winding roads! The drive is literally all bends...not joking. There was a point where I realized that straight roads don't exactly exist in Ireland. Anyways..we arrived in Kilarney for a pit stop. We went shopping in the outlet mall..obviously! We then walked the main streets of Kilarney for a bit. I just love all the main streets in these towns! All the stores are older, colorful and many have potted flowers hanging above the stores. Very cute!

We hopped back into the car and a short drive later, arrived at Inch Beach! Inch is a popular vacation spot for many tourists. It was extremely windy and cold...even to a Canadian! Yet, there were still lots of ppl surfing the waves...their nuts! We climbed up some rocks and found a grassy area on the cliff and had a picnic lunch, looking over the beach! It was cold..but gorgeous!!

I will definitely be going back...preferably when its warmer!!! Instead, after we'd gobbled up our lunch, and picked the sand from our sandwiches, we went for a short walk along the shore before hittin' the road.

We arrived in the town of Dingle, one of the most famous destinations in West Cork. The main language is Irish, and it was like being on a postcard! There's just something about the Irish charm...maybe its how everyone waves to you as if your neighbors. Maybe it's all the colorful buildings and old world charm. Or maybe its the beer...whatever it is, Dingle is amazing! 1st stop -Dick Mac's famous pub! Celebrities from all over the world have stopped in here for a pint or two, and are known to do a performance or two when in town! Out in front of the pub, is a "star walk of fame" of all the stars who have visited. On the A-list...Julia Roberts, Dolly Parton, and more!

Just as I was snapping pictures of the quaint streets of Dingle, I was approached by an elderly woman. She started mumbling in what sounded like Irish and then said "Canada...it's quite nice there!" "Excuse me?!" "Your from Canada, I've been there once." The strange part about this convo is...I was not wearing anything Canadian, nor had I been speaking when she approached me so she couldn't have heard my accent....how did she know I was Canadian?!?? Some say she may have been a fortune teller. I'll never know, all I know is that after she left I was speechless! Crazy!

We then spent some time, browsing thru the town and visiting some of the shops. The weather was typical Irish. It could be dark stormy clouds and lashing down rain, and 5mins later it would be bright and sunny. Basically anytime it would start to rain, we would sneak into a shop, browse a bit and by the time we were done it would be sunny again! Who says shopping doesn't pay off?! I also found a pair of boots for €20 on sale! God how I love sales.... :P

We walked down to Dingle Bay in hopes of spotting Fungi the dolphin. He is a wild dolphin who has been visiting the area since 1983. He's never been fed, he just keeps coming and flirting with the tourists. Sadly...no sign of him that day. Will have to venture off to Dingle to see him again! There are also boat tours where you can also swim with him!!

We then took the trek up to Connor's Pass. You drive up the very edge of the mountain to get here, with roads that are very narrow and winding every 5 seconds...no such thing as a straight road! Even tho the roads are narrow, you also need to make sure you don't hug too close to the side of the road, or you might end up sliding down. Yikes! It's 2 lane the entire way up btw! Below is the look-out of Connor's Pass. It was absolutely stunning. Words can't describe the feeling you get when your in a place such as this. Its unreal. Sometimes you feel like your looking at a photograph because it's just that beautiful, when in reality your actually in it!

After scaling our car back down the mountain, we made our way towards Slea Head! Slea Head is the very western tip of Ireland...next stop, Canada!! You can drive all along the peninsula and stop along the way to take photos! Here are just a few shots of Slea Head and its beauty!!

We eventually made our way back to Kilarney for a quick bite to eat, and made it home in one piece! I think Dingle has been on of my favorite spots to visit thus far...who knows what I'll discover next....
Love you all. Missing you in Ireland!
Looks very picturesque, Kayla! And good on you on driving on those curvy roads - personally they make my palms sweat!